Try to learn something about everything

RubyLearning Got a New Mentor With Shiny Shoes and a Mac

Since I currently have quite a lot of time but am slightly on the poor side (as we all know: ‘money = has_time ? 0 : loads.to_i’) I decided to join batch 10 of RubyLearning’s free online core Ruby programming course. In my opinion the course is very good, so if you always wanted to learn Ruby but couldn’t find the motivation alone, definitely give this a try! But since I myself am not exactly new to Ruby, it so happened that after the first week of the course I now joined the RubyLearning team as a mentor. Glad to be part of the gang, folks! :)

Yesterday I blogged about my first experiments with Shoes and thanks to some feedback by ashbb a newer version of the Little Helper is now available. And since I plan on doing some more experiments with Shoes, I also started a repo called littlesteps on Github where I will keep the source for all those nice little application.

Finally a bit of good news for all you Ruby on MacOS X fans out there: there soon will be new versions of the Ruby One-Click Installer for OSX for Ruby 1.9.1! :) The maintainer is a friend of mine, so I tried to convince him to include rspec and cheats in the next release, let’s see if we’ll get them…

Some links:
waveninja’s Ten Steps in Shoes, part 2
ashbb’s Shoes Tutorial
