- Why My Father Hated India
A half Indian/half Pakistani sheds some light on the animosity between the two countries. - How Khan Academy Is Changing the Rules of Education
Very nice piece on the Khan Academy, including examples of how it’s used in class rooms as well as positive and negative feedback by educators. - Chain World Videogame Was Supposed to be a Religion-Not a Holy War
Wow, I completely missed this last year, but this is a super-interesting piece on an even more interesting indie game. - You are not running out of time
This really resonates with me and judging from the comments I’m not the only one. - Marching with the SlutWalkers
A Guardian story on the SlutWalk protest marches that are causing debate amongst feminists. Because it fits the topic, here’s a picture of a sticker I took in Vienna not so long ago (it roughly translates to “the power of definition means that only the aggrieved can decide if sexual borders were crossed”): - Ex-Apple Designer Creates Teaching UI That "Kills Math" Using Data Viz
I’m almost jealous all these great math teaching tools didn’t exist when I went to school. Ok, I am jealous. - Why I talk openly about the deep dark hole I’m sitting in
For various reasons this affects me on a very personal level and I can only agree with the message of this post. - "In 30 Jahren wird es keinen Kapitalismus mehr geben"
Will capitalism really disappear within the next 30 years? Sometimes it definitely feels like it. - After almost 20 years, math problem falls
Interesting result about approximating something NP-complete without something P-complete which might have a huge impact in several disciplines, from engineering to economics. - Keepin’ It Cool: How the Air Conditioner Made Modern America
I’m not a big fan of ACs, but this article isn’t only about them, but about how one piece of technology can change the world in profound ways.