Try to learn something about everything

Review: Meet MacRuby (PeepCode Screencast)

This afternoon I had the time to finally watch the PeepCode Meet MacRuby screencast.

In case you don’t know MacRuby, it’s a Ruby interpreter sitting on top of Objective-C and OS X core technologies (see also here).

During the 74 minute screencast you will build a basic but functional Twitter client, and in the process learn about MacRuby and Cocoa basics, using Xcode and InterfaceBuilder to develop and bundle your application and many other interesting topics.

The screencast is very well structured, easy to follow and full of good and practical information, including perks and rough edges of the current MacRuby version. All in all a really enjoyable and informative video, which is well worth US$9 (or less if you buy packs of credits)!
