
a summary of Don't fear the Monads by brian beckman

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Table of Contents

1 general introduction

  • Haskell, but also e.g. LINQ
  • based on category theory; not required for understanding

2 functional programming

  • programming with functions
  • first class
  • function: takes input, returns something
  • functions are not special, they are data too (table lookup)
  • pure = no mutable state
    • Monads can simulate shared mutable state.

3 functions

  • types =~ mathematical sets (ℝ, ℂ, ℕ, ℙ, ℚ, ℤ)
    x: int
    f: int -> int (particular type)
    f: a -> a (any type = generic types)
    g: a -> a
  • Combining f and g
    f(g(a)) or g(f(a))
  • function application =~ method call
    f(ga)     -- (g first, f later; left associative -> brackets)
    (f . g) a -- new function
    (f . g) a == f(ga)

4 monoids

  • taking two things of one type (function) and creating a new one of the same type
    (f . g) == h: a -> a
  • composition: create complexity from simplicity; types need to line up
  • monoid: collection of things and a rule for combining them; the rule obeys some rules
    • example: clock
      rule: (x + y) % 12, e.g. 7 + 10 = 5
  • rules for the rule
    • x + y + z = (x + y) + z (associativity)
    • x + special_member = x and special_member + 12 = x (unit element aka "zero")

5 functions again

  • functions under composition form a monoid (same type; otherwise monoidal category)
  • associativity
    (f . g) . h = f . (g . h)
    f(g(ha)) = f(g(ha))
  • unit: special function 'id'
    (f . id) = f(id a) = f(a)

6 monads

  • almost the same as a monoid
    Ma = type constructur
    f: a -> Ma
    g: a -> Ma
    h: a -> Ma
  • functions that take an a and return some extra data applied to an a
    \ = lambda
    \a -> | (fa)  >>=   \a -> (ga) |
          |  Ma   bind   a ->  Ma  |
          |_                      _|
  • when you create a monad, you have to implement bind (same rules as monoid)
    return: a -> Ma (unit)
    g: a -> M b
    f: b -> M c
  • how to do it with monoids?
    g: a -> b
    f: b -> c
    (f . g) : a -> c <=> (g . g)a = f(ga)
    \a -> (ga) >>= \b -> (fb)
    a ------------------> Ma
  • bind: Mb -> (b -> Mc) -> Mc
  • Monads are a theory for interacting things.
  • Maybe monad
    taken from (source)
    -- Here's the data type, it's either nothing, or "Just" a value
    -- this is in the standard library
    data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
    f :: (Maybe Integer) -> Integer
    f Nothing = 0
    f (Just x) = x + 2
    instance Monad Maybe where
      -- The bind operator for Nothing
      (>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> (Maybe b)
      Nothing >>= f = Nothing
      -- The bind operator for Just x
      Just x >>= f = f x
      -- the "unit", called "return"
      return = Just
    -- The sample code using the lambda syntax
    -- that Brian showed
    z = f >>= ( \fval ->
        g >>= ( \gval ->
        h >>= ( \hval -> return (fval+gval+hval ) ) ) )
    -- The following is exactly the same as the three lines above
    z2 :: (Integral a, Monad m) => m a
    z2 = do
       fval <- f
       gval <- g
       hval <- h
       return (fval+gval+hval)
    main :: IO ()
    main = do
      (readLn :: IO Integer) >>= (\x ->
      putStrLn ("You have entered the number " ++ show x))
    data State s a = State (\s -> (s,a))
    instance Monad (State s) where
      State m >>= f = \s -> let (s',x) = m s in (f x) s'
      return x = \s -> (s,x)
    put :: s -> State s ()
    put s = \_ -> (s,())
    get :: Sate s s
    get = \s -> (s,s)
    runState :: s -> State s a -> a
    runState s m = m s
    test z = do
      x <- get
      put (x+1)
      return (z, x+1)
    test2 = do
      a <- test "hi"
      b <- test 42
      c <- test 'c'
      return (a,b,c)
    runState 0 test2  -- (("hi",1),(42,2),('c',3))
    readLn :: IO a
    show :: a -> String
    putStrLn :: String -> IO ()

Date: 2012-01-18 18:53:36 CET

Author: Michael Kohl

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